Case Study – Open College of the Arts

OCA logoCASE STUDY A business change programme delivered for the Open College of the Arts, A Barnsley business that delivers distance learning degrees in the Arts


Challenge To review, make recommendations and implement a service development plan that would improve service availability, customer experience, and provide significant additional resilience and improved performance.  The above to be achieved within tight budget constraints.
Actions A full service review undertaken in two days resulting in a set of recommendations and implementation plan. An architectural approach was adopted that exploited low cost commodity components combined with cloud services to improve service levels and resilience.  A three phase change programme was delivered over 12 months; it addressed areas of high risk as a priority without any interruption to service.
Result Migrated key services to the cloud, improved network performance by x10 with the potential for dual routing, with a capital budget of less than £3,000 and within the current revenue spend.Provided internal disaster recovery platforms for all key internal systems using a mixture of cloud services and low cost hardware to provide an automatic offsite archive and recovery service giving significantly improved levels of assurance.

Since implementation there have been no service outages on the transaction systems delivering 100% availability.

Worked with the IT manager to deliver a set of procedures that provided the organisation with a governance framework that satisfied their board and reduced risk.

Improved the way that the IT function is perceived within the organization.